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Leader Brand of Smelting

Our priority mission as Çalışkan Döküm; our products, our solutions, after-sales services, with the confidence we provide and our business ethics is to be the first choice of our valued customers.
Our Principle is Customer Satisfaction

Çalışkan Smelting, which adopts the principle of customer satisfaction, obtained the ISO 9001, 2008 TSE standards and documented the quality of its products. In recent years, in line with the demand from the market, İGDAŞ and other gas distribution companies received their certificates of qualification.
Copyright © Çalışkan Döküm. All rights reserved.

Kapaklı OSB Mahallesi 103. Cadde No: 5 Kapaklı / TEKİRDAĞ
+90 (282) 758 34 06 | +90 (282) 758 11 22-33